23 Oct 2019

T-RackS Tape Machine Collection wins Beat's Highly Recommended Award and 6/6!

"Clear design, scalable and additionally an amazing sound - what else could you want?"

Beat's expert reviewer Kai Chonishvili has taken a thorough look at IK's new T-RackS Tape Machine Collection in their October 2019 issue and was very impressed by the results. So much that he decided to award it with their coveted 'Empfehlung/Highly recommended' award and the maximum score 6/6.

Here are some of his key comments.

"Clear design, scalable and additionally an amazing sound - what else could you want?"

"It's commendable that purchasers of T-RackS Tape Machine Collection even get four separate distinctive flavours which also differ as far as saturation and glue factor go."

"As soon as you route one of the sound refiners to the sum, such as the Master signal, all the elements get magically welded together as the input level is increased. The result with all Tape models is surprisingly authentic."

"It is really astounding how much these plug-ins do achieve, you can improve so much with just a few controls."

"You can just congratulate IK Multimedia as the Tape Machine Collection shoots straight to the top league. Both the workflow and also the reasonable bundle price will make the competition sweat."

"Users of the T-RackS Mastering Suite should definitely consider getting the Tape Machine Collection."

+ A very good selection of tape machines
+ Excellent sound
+ Scalable
+ Adjustable
+ Affordable price

Features 6/6
Sound 6/6
Value for money 6/6
Overall 6/6

T-RackS Tape Machine Collection wins the 'Empfehlung/Highly recommended' award

Here are some quotes from the original review in German.

"Klares Design, skalierbar und dazu ein richtig guter Sound - was will man mehr!"

"In diesem Kontext ist es sehr lobenswert, dass Käufer der T-RackS Tape Machine Collection gleich vier unterschiedliche Geschmacksrichtungen bekommen, die hinsichtlich Sättigung und Glue-Faktor eben unterschiedlich sind."

"Sobald man einen der vier Klangveredler auf eine Summe wie z.B. dem Master-Signal einsetzt, werden bei erhöhtem Eingangslevel die Elemente wie von Zauberhand zusammengeschweißt. Das gelingt bei allen Tape-Modellen überraschend authentisch."

"Es ist schon erstaunlich, wie viel diese Plug-Ins leisten können, da man mit nur wenigen Reglern etliches verbessern kann."

"Man kann IK Multimedia nur gratulieren, denn die Tape-Kollektion schafft es mühelos in die Oberliga. Sowohl der Workflow also auch der faire Bundle-Preis bringen die Konkurrenz ordentlich ins Schwitzen."

"Anwender der Mastering-Suite T-RackS 5 sollten den Kauf dieser Tape-Kollektion unbedingt in Betracht ziehen."

+ gute Auswahl an Bandmaschinen
+ hervorragender Sound
+ skalierbar
+ Stellschrauben
+ günstiger Preis

Ausstattung 6/6
Klang 6/6
Preis/Leistung 6/6
Gesamt 6/6

T-RackS Tape Machine Collection erhält die Empfehlung der Redaktion.

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