10 Apr 2019

AskAudio: "SampleTank 4 is an absolute powerhouse"

"It will serve you equally well on stage or in the studio"

AskAudio has been taking a close look at SampleTank 4, courtesy of editor and keyboard specialist, Hollin Jones. He was delighted by the new scalable interface, powerful tone shaping controls and the huge quantity of new sound content. 

Here are some of his key comments:

"Though the look is familiar, a huge amount of work has gone on under the hood to bring it up to speed with the latest technologies."

"The first thing you notice is that version 4 is now scalable - it’s smoother and more slick throughout, and feels great to use."

"SampleTank 4 is more than just an instrument - it’s a workstation, with the ability to record patterns and songs as well as layering up instruments and effects."

"There are 8000 instrument presets in the MAX version, with the ability to split and layer these meaning essentially a near-infinite sonic canvas."

"I especially liked the Loop Manager, with pitch, grain and time controls for really mangling loops in a creative fashion."

"There’s the powerful mixer section, with the new Parts interface providing quicker and easier access to inserts and all mix parameters than ever before."

"There’s enough here to satisfy even ardent sound tweakers, with advanced synthesis controls offering amazing levels of detailed control."

Hollin's verdict was:

"You’ll find SampleTank 4 an absolute powerhouse of sounds, programming, sound shaping, sequencing and mixing that will serve you equally well on stage or in the studio."

Key Plusses:

+ Great new scalable interface
+ Supremely capable workstation
+ Adds a ton of new features
+ Very powerful sound shaping controls
+ Player modules are excellent
+ Mind boggling amount of content in MAX version

Read the full review on AskAudio
Learn more about SampleTank 4

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