6 Feb 2018

SoundBytes on Cinematic & Orchestral Percussion: “These instruments are well worth the money”

“It could be your one and only solution.”

“At this point, I’m really thankful to IK Multimedia for offering such instruments that perfectly fit into this empty niche.”

SoundBytes has been reviewing Cinematic & Orchestral Percussion for SampleTank 3, and were hugely impressed with the instruments and the loops. Here are some of the comments from Alex Arsov:

“[Orchestral Percussion library] I found this one ideal whenever you want to go by the more traditional route mimicking classical music approaches in your cinematic mock ups.”

“Cinematic Percussion for Sample Tank 3 collection brings a large number of all sorts of multi-sampled traditional ethnic percussive instruments from all around the globe [...].”

“The whole Iron Man, Godzilla and Matrix section is here.”

“All instruments in both libraries are well programmed and superbly recorded.”

“In this area [MIDI Patterns] Greg’s skills totally shine and these MIDI loops really make the difference between this instrument and all the others on the market for the same purpose.”

“As a great bonus, all MIDI loops can be dragged directly to any MIDI track inside your DAW, making them ready for further manipulation.”

“All those MIDI patterns, loops and included instruments make both these instruments well worth the money.”

The final verdict was:

“I found them to be a nice addition to my cinematic arsenal, bringing some fresh air between all those highly processed percussion instruments and libraries. It could be your one and only solution, but for me, they shine in combination with some other percussion instruments, offering a slightly different sound and approach.”


Read the full review here.
Learn more about Cinematic & Orchestral Percussion for SampleTank 3 here.

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